From Soul Wounds to Soul Wisdom: Your Path to Inner Union


Unlock Your Inner Union and Wholeness

The world often teaches us to look outside for love, fulfillment, and validation. This external search can lead us into a cycle of co-dependency, emotional triggers, and a constant feeling of incompleteness. It's as though we've been conditioned to believe that wholeness is something to be found, rather than realized within.

Once we turn our gaze inward and begin the journey of self-healing and self-discovery, everything changes. This inward journey allows us to meet our inner child, heal our soul wounds, and balance our masculine and feminine energies. It’s in this process that we find true inner peace and power.

This path leads us to experience the purest form of love for ourselves and others. It liberates us from the need for external validation and opens us up to the beauty of our own essence.

I envision a world where each individual recognizes their inherent wholeness and moves through life with love and respect towards themselves and others and a deep connection to their inner guidance. This is the vision behind the "Love Crystal" Program.

"In the garden of your soul, every experience is a seed, every challenge a fertilizer, and every part of healing is a bloom of infinite potential." Diana Poulsen

Love Alchemy: Transforming Self through Inner Union

The moment I stopped measuring my worth by external achievements and began cultivating inner love and harmony, my life transformed in the most unexpected ways: I discovered freedom. A freedom that comes from deep, unconditional self-love and acceptance, not from external accolades or opinions.

This liberation became even more profound when I embraced my own company, nurturing my soul and healing my past wounds, even as I navigated the complexities of modern relationships and self-identity.

Once the quest for external approval dissolves from your energy field... Once the feeling of lack and unworthiness is no longer part of your vibrational alignment…You will start to draw towards your experiences that resonate with your true self, share love in its purest form, and engage with people who mirror your inner completeness, and you'll find yourself in environments that nurture your spirit.

In the "Love Crystal" Program, I will be sharing everything I've learned about love, healing, and self-empowerment from my own journey and from guiding countless others through theirs.

You will discover the boundless nature of self-love, stepping beyond the shadows of doubt and self-criticism.

You will develop your Love Identity.

You will understand that the depth of your love and joy is a choice within your power, equipped with every tool needed to unfold the most fulfilling version of your life as outlined by your Highest Timeline.


Awakening the Love Crystal Within: Your Path to Authentic Power and Peace

PART 1. Servant Self - Lower Energy Centers: Healing the Past

Dive deep into your foundational beliefs and emotional responses, understanding how they shape your reality. This module covers:

  • Theories of attachment and soul wounds
  • Practices for healing lower energy centers
  • Topics include soul wounds, co-dependency, emotional triggers, inner child nurturing, reparenting, self-worth, boundaries, and personal power.

PART 2. Leading Self - Higher Energy Centers: Envisioning the Future

Elevate your connection to your higher self, unlocking pathways to your soul’s deepest desires. Highlights include:

  • Connection with soul and higher self
  • Techniques to calm and expand the nervous system
  • Focus areas include soul embodiment, inner guidance, clearing doubts, and thought patterns.

PART 3. Masculine Alignment: Inner Safety & Stability

Embrace and harmonize your masculine energy to establish a foundation of inner security and decisive action. Key aspects:

  • Core practices for cultivating masculine energy
  • Achieving groundedness, internal safety, and focus
  • Enhancing action, life structure, and healthy masculine traits.

PART 4. Feminine Alignment: Receptivity & Pleasure

Unlock the fluidity and richness of your feminine energy, allowing for greater receptivity and joy in every moment. Features:

  • Practices for enhancing flow and creativity
  • Embracing emotional awareness and the power of surrender
  • Healing and inviting healthy feminine traits.

PART 5. Inner Union: Consciousness and Matter: Integration

Integrate your learnings to manifest harmony in all aspects of your life, from relationships to career. This final module guides you to:

  • Apply holistic healing in practical life scenarios
  • Craft a personalized self-healing plan
  • Achieve a balanced integration of masculine and feminine energies for a life of purpose and fulfillment.

You can review the detailed structure of the course here.

"Within you lies a wellspring of love, waiting to overflow. The journey inward unlocks the crystal clarity of self-love, illuminating paths to deep connections and inner harmony. Embrace your journey; let the crystal within guide you to your true essence and boundless love."

Diana Poulsen

What you can expect from the "Love Crystal" Program:

Deep Emotional Healing and Renewal:

Participants have experienced profound shifts, from healing deep-rooted emotional wounds to rediscovering joy and peace within themselves, marking the beginning of a journey filled with self-love and inner balance.  

Eradication of Limiting Beliefs:

You will clear away every last trace of self-doubt, unworthiness, and fear of loneliness, embracing the true expanse of your soul's radiance. Your relationships, both with yourself and others, will transform as a byproduct.  

Healing of Ancestral and Subconscious Patterns:

Unlock and heal patterns that have kept you from fully realizing your potential, enabling you to step into the expansiveness of your being and embrace the love and connection you deserve.

Embodiment Practices for Inner Union:

Through guided embodiment practices, you'll connect deeply with your masculine and feminine energies, fostering a sense of completeness and attracting relationships that mirror your newfound wholeness.

Energetic Alignment with Your Highest Vision:

You'll learn to realign with your highest path whenever life throws you off course, ensuring that your actions and choices consistently reflect your deepest desires and truths.

"Working with Diana was a divine experience - from the minute she showed up in my email unexpectedly to the last of our month together. She seemed to know me and exactly what I needed.

Her use of Human Design and The Enneagram provided major shifts for me in my ability to accept and love myself, as well as where I am in the present moment. Her weekly message was just what I needed, in the way I needed it and she was full of peace and love, just what my soul needed. Thank you! I can’t wait to work with you further."

- Marva

"Diana is completely open to others, she embodies love, compassion and all those positive qualities that are so precious to all of us. She is also a vehicle for a voice beyond what we conceive as our normal realm of existence.
A voice from above that can give us answers, and guidance and help us become who we really are, and in the process be good to the people around us, our loved ones, and so much more.
If there was only one thing i could say to Diana, it would be “Thank God”. For meeting you and benefiting from your Light. You are a gift.
Thank you.”

- David Daubin



As a dedicated healer, mentor, and guide, I fuse ancient wisdom with modern practices to navigate the journey of self-love and inner balance. My mission is to empower individuals on their path to healing, self-discovery, and holistic well-being, shining a light on the beauty and power that lies within each of us.

Since my journey began, I've facilitated countless sessions and workshops, each designed to unlock the doors to one's true essence, fostering a deep connection to the self and the universe. My work, rooted in the principles of love, compassion, and transformation, aims to elevate consciousness and inspire a life lived in harmony with one's highest truth.

My community is a vibrant tapestry of souls from all walks of life, each on their unique path of growth and enlightenment. Through my programs and personalized guidance, I've had the privilege of witnessing remarkable transformations—individuals rediscovering their innate worth, cultivating inner peace, and stepping into their power with grace and confidence.

This Program is for you if:

  • You seek a life filled with love, balance, and emotional prosperity.
  • You desire to feel wholly loved and supported, not just by others, but deeply by yourself.
  • You're ready to stop letting past wounds or fears dictate the choices and desires of your heart.
  • You aim to reclaim your power over your emotional and mental wellbeing, finding freedom in your journey towards inner harmony and peace.
  • You want to break free from patterns of co-dependency and cultivate self-love and independence.
  • You aim to harmonize your masculine and feminine energies, finding strength and softness within.
  • You're ready to nurture your inner child and build a future of fulfillment and authenticity.
  • You wish to connect deeply with your soul and higher self, unlocking the doors to your innate wisdom.
  • You long to transform your relationships, career, and personal life from a place of empowered self-awareness.
  • You are eager to create a self-healing plan that aligns with your highest aspirations and desires.

Price & Payment for "Love Crystal" Healing Chamber:

Dive into the transformative "Love Crystal" program, beginning with the vibrant energy of the Aries season and Lunar Eclipse. This will be an annual journey of self-discovery and healing that coincides with the start of spring offering a period of renewal and growth.

Program Offerings and Investment Options:

Prerecorded Material Only: Delve into the program at your pace with access to all prerecorded content, ideal for those who prefer to explore independently.

Price: 155 EUR (Valued at 300 EUR).

1 Session + Chart Analysis + Prerecorded Material: This comprehensive package includes one personal 1-on-1 support session, a detailed analysis of your astrological, Human Design, and Enneagram charts, 5 Element balance, plus access to all prerecorded course materials for a tailored and enriched learning experience.

Price: 288 EUR (Valued at 600 EUR)

5 Sessions + Prerecorded Material: Embark on an extensive journey with access to all course materials, supplemented by five personal support sessions to be utilized within six months. This immersive option is designed for those seeking deep transformation and personal guidance.

Price: 999 EUR (Valued at 1,500 EUR)

Payments Plans are available upon request:

Frequently Asked Questions

I’d love to join but the price is out of my range.

  • We understand that the investment might feel significant. We offer payment plan options to make it more accessible. Remember, investing in yourself is a powerful step towards growth. I

  • I’m not sure I am ready for this work.

  • Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and healing is a significant step. Growth is an essential part of life; without it, we remain stagnant. If you’re looking to deepen your relationship with yourself, to heal past wounds, and to embrace your fullest potential, "Love Crystal" is designed to facilitate just that. This course aims to take you from where you are to where you've always wanted to be in your personal evolution.

  • Do you offer refunds? What if I don't like the course or realize I can't commit after purchasing?

  • The "Love Crystal" Program is a special journey into self-healing and empowerment, crafted with care and intention. Due to the nature of this transformative experience, we do not offer refunds or cancellations. We encourage you to feel fully committed and ready for this journey before enrolling.

  • Is it possible to pay via bank transfer?

  • Absolutely. We aim to make the payment process as smooth as possible. Please reach out to us at, and we'll provide you with all the necessary details for alternative payment methods.

How much time do I need to dedicate to the program each week?

  • The "Love Crystal" program is designed to be flexible and adapt to your personal pace. While the amount of time can vary depending on the package you choose, a general guideline is 1-2 hours per week for the prerecorded materials and additional time for any personal sessions or reflections.

  • What makes the "Love Crystal" program different from other healing courses?

  • "Love Crystal" uniquely combines in-depth knowledge of attachment theory, soul wounds, feminine and masculine alignment, connection to your higher self, and energy centers with practical embodiment practices. Additionally, the personalized sessions offer tailored guidance to meet your specific needs.

  • Can I participate in the "Love Crystal" program from anywhere?

  • Yes, the "Love Crystal" program is designed to be fully accessible online, allowing participants from all over the globe to join. Whether you're looking for the convenience of self-paced learning through our prerecorded materials or the personal touch of our live sessions, all you need is an internet connection.

  • What if I have never tried a similar type of program before?

  • "Love Crystal" is suitable for both beginners and those with more experience in personal development because 1-1 sessions are tailor-made. The program is crafted to guide you gently into the practices, ensuring a safe and supportive journey into self-discovery and healing, regardless of your starting point.

  • Are there any additional materials or tools I need to purchase for the program?

  • No additional purchases are necessary to begin the "Love Crystal" program. Any recommendations for optional tools or resources, such as crystals or books, will be clearly stated, and it's entirely up to you to decide if you wish to use them in your journey.

  • Is the "Love Crystal" program suitable for all genders?

  • Absolutely. The "Love Crystal" program is designed to be inclusive and beneficial for anyone interested in embarking on a journey of self-healing, regardless of gender. Our content and practices are crafted to resonate with and be accessible to everyone.

Please note that the "Love Crystal" program and the services provided by Diana Poulsen are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. I am not acting as a medical professional, psychologist, or licensed therapist.
The information and guidance offered in this program are based on Diana Poulsen's personal experience and insights from her journey in personal development, healing, coaching, healing, and other certifications.
Participants are responsible for their own actions and decisions. By signing up for this program, you acknowledge that you are participating voluntarily in using our services.

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